
🇨🇳 玩头壳、交朋友,感谢您选择我们!

🇭🇰 玩面具,交朋友,多謝你揀我哋!

🇬🇧 Play with masks, make friends, thank you for choosing us!

🇯🇵 マスクで遊び、友達を作り、私たちを選んでくれてありがとう!

🇰🇷 가면으로 놀고, 친구를 만들어, 우리를 선택해 주셔서 감사합니다!

🇩🇪 Masken spielen, Freunde finden, danke dass Sie uns gewählt haben!

🇫🇷 Jouer avec des masques, se faire des amis, merci de nous avoir choisis!

知识库帮助您了解我们的 KigLand Kigurumi 产品系列和服务流程。


如果您是 第一次了解 Kigurumi 可以阅读 👉快速入门


This knowledge base will helps you understand our KigLand Kigurumi product series and service processes.

You can use the (above) search function to find specific topics or questions.

Learning about Kigurumi for the 1st time, please read the 👉Quick Start Guide (zh_CN)

Have fun!

--KigLand Team

08/22/2023 Shanghai


流程须知(Process Instructions)

🇨🇳 简体中文

Process Instructions

Before choosing to use any custom services from KigLand, please read the following terms carefully, accepting the service means you understand and agree to the following terms:

  1. Order Validity: To order customization services, requirements and quotes need to be confirmed with customer service first. If a purchase is made without communication, the order will be invalid.
  2. Order Duration: The estimated duration may vary based on capacity, queuing, and demand. The latest delivery time will be set according to the longest possible duration.
  3. Order Delay: In cases where the customer requests changes or an act of God occurs (such as natural disasters, armed conflicts, state actions, etc.), the timeline will be correspondingly delayed.
  4. Display of Finished Product: If you do not wish for the finished product to be publicly displayed, please specify this when confirming your requirements, otherwise, it will be agreed that the finished product can be displayed publicly.
  5. Refund Policy: Once the design phase commences, no refunds will be given for paid amounts (which includes deposits, stage fees, and balance payments). If the order is cancelled, the finished product will be disposed of by KigLand (including, but not limited to, being sold as stock).
  6. Balance Payment: Within 30 natural days of the completion of the finished product, the customer must pay the remaining amount. Otherwise, the finished product will be disposed of by KigLand (including, but not limited to, being sold as stock).
  7. Progress Confirmation: Please pay attention to messages from customer service. When there is progress pending confirmation, if no response is received within 24 hours, the timeline will be correspondingly delayed.
  8. Damage Inspection: Within 48 hours of package receipt, please confirm the goods are undamaged. If damage is found, evidence is required immediately and customer service should be notified. No claims will be accepted outside of this timeframe.
  9. Third-Party Rights: This service only provides manufacturing. Customers need to ensure that they do not infringe on the rights of any third parties and are responsible for the consequences of any improper use.
  10. Prohibitions on Commercial Use: The services and finished products are prohibited from commercial use. If they are needed for business purposes, please contact customer service to learn about enterprise-level services and discount policies.


在您选择使用 KigLand 的任意定制服务前, 请仔细阅读以下条款,接受服务即表示您了解并同意以下条款:

  1. 订单有效性:定制服务需与客服确认需求和报价,若未沟通直接购买,订单将无效。
  2. 订单工期:预计工期基于产能、排单、需求情况,可能变动,最晚交付时间以最晚工期为准。
  3. 订单延期:如遇客户要求修改或不可抗力因素(如自然灾害、武装冲突、国家行为等),工期将相应顺延。
  4. 成品展示:如不希望成品被公开展示,请确认需求时提出,否则默认为同意公开展示。
  5. 退款政策:设计阶段开始后,已付款项(包括定金、阶段款、尾款)将不予退还。如取消订单,则成品将由 KigLand 处置(包括但不限于作为现货出售)。
  6. 尾款支付:成品制作完成后的 30 自然日内,客户需支付剩余款项。否则,成品将由 KigLand 处置(包括但不限于作为现货出售)。
  7. 进度确认:请留意客服消息,有待确认的制作进度时,若 24 小时内未回应,工期将相应顺延。
  8. 运损检查:请在签收包裹后 48 小时内,确认货物完好,如有损坏需立即提供证据并通知客服,逾期将不受理。
  9. 第三方权益:本服务仅提供加工制作。客户需确保不侵害第三方权益,并承担不当使用所带来后果。
  10. 禁止商用:服务及成品禁止商业使用。如需商用,请联系客服,获取企业级服务和优惠政策。

⚠ 请您务必仔细阅读以上条款,如有疑问,请联系客服。

QQ 群:903520753
X.com:KigLand staff - Remi IO


生成式 AI 内容提示

本文部分图像,基于 KIGLAND 原创图像,由 AI 二次生成。


2头宽(cm)测量头部正面最宽处(① ②)的直线距离(③),不含耳朵
3头围(cm) 穿过眉毛上边沿(① ②)、耳朵上方1cm处(③)和头部后方塌陷点(④),围绕头部一周,取得周长数据
8肩宽(cm)测量肩部关节(① ②)之间的直线距离(③),推荐在墙上画线测量


1性别生理性别,用于确认人体曲线(若有 SRS 性别重置术史,请告知客服)。
3体重以 kg 为单位。

MMD 借物:Nekotara(哞菇)


Generative AI Content Tips

Some images in this article are based on original KIGLAND images and have been regenerated by AI.

For MAICRA suit: Body Data Measurement

When ordering a Kigurumi Bodysuit, you need to provide your self measurement data.

👉 visit MEASUREMENT GUIDE FOR MAICRA (notion page)

For KIGURUMI: Head Data Measurement

When ordering a Kigurumi Mask, you need to provide your self head data.

Before measuring, it is recommended that you prepare a soft ruler and have someone else assist you. If you measure by yourself, it is suggested to do so in front of a mirror.

Measurement Items

Please measure and record the following data, fill in the Measurement Results Template, and send it to KigLand customer service.

No.Measurement ItemReference ImageDescription
1Head Height (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) between the hair whorl (①) and the chin (②)
2Head Width (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) at the widest part of the front of the head (① ②), excluding the ears
3Head Circumference (cm) Measure around the head passing above the eyebrows (① ②), 1cm above the ears (③), and the indentation at the back of the head (④) to obtain the circumference
4Eye Height (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) between the pupil (①) and the chin (②)
5Eye Distance (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) between the right pupil (①) and the left pupil (②)
6Height (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) between the top of the head (①) and the bottom of the feet (②)
7Weight (kg)
8Shoulder Width (cm)Measure the straight distance (③) between the shoulder joints (① ②), recommended to draw lines on the wall for measurement

Measurement Result Template

You can fill in the measurement results in the following template and send it to KigLand customer service:

Head Height: cm
Head Width: cm
Head Circumference: cm
Eye Height: cm
Eye Distance: cm
Height: cm
Weight: kg
Shoulder Width: cm

Reduce Measurement Error

  • When you take measurements, keep your eyes level and don't look up or down;
  • Whenever possible, have someone assist with the measurements;
  • Use a flexible ruler when measuring head circumference, shoulder width, eye height, and interocular distance.
  • Use a rigid ruler to draw lines on the wall when measuring head height and width.



🙏 请让您的皮远离魔术贴!